The rise of ‘brand journalism’ in blogging



The rise of ‘brand journalism’ in blogging

The area of brand journalism is going to be one of the biggest things in blogging in the next few years.

As Tim Gray, blogger and social media strategist with US media company Blue Mountain Media says, the basic idea is simple:

“A percentage of your blog content should be created with an eye toward being reusable and repurposed across multiple media platforms.

In other words, don’t create a campaign—content created based primarily on your products or services—on your blog.  Nobody goes for that any more.”

Gray says the future belongs to businesses that become media – which means covering your industry like a reporter covers a beat.

A good example would be a company that specialises in business education, management and leadership courses.

A good blogger would listen to what people are saying about that industry (and business) – and create interesting content around those subjects.

Once you start treating your subject like a reporter, you will be surprised how much traffic you get.